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Being in shape is something everyone wants.
But is it possible to keep fit without a gym?
Working out makes us look better, feel better, stronger, and gives us amounts of energy.
Regular exercise gives us energy we just don’t have when we don’t take time to work our muscles.
But not everyone loves working out.
Even those of us who LOVE exercise and fitness don’t always like the idea of working out.
You have to get into a rhythm with exercise to keep it fun, because if we slack, that is when we (myself included) start to make excuses.
It starts as one break day…
and then another off day…
And then “not having enough” time, and making other plans, and then one day you look at the calendar and it’s been a month since your last workout.

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What if I just don’t like weight lifting and running?
Yeah, those things are not for everyone,
and they can get repetitive if that is all you do for exercise.
Its better to give your body different types of exercise to work different muscles anyways, and muscle confusion is actually a great way to build muscle and keep the fat burning process going.
So today I have a list of 5 different activities that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to keep you in shape AND have fun, without a traditional gym membership.

The first exercise on my list of ways to keep fit without a gym is…
Swimming is a total body exercise that can not only build a ton of muscle, but improve muscle tone and increase endurance and lung capacity.
And by swimming, I do not of course mean wading in a pool and relaxing…
I mean laps.
Lots and lots of laps.
Swimming is a great team sport, a fun activity to do with friends, and joining a team is a fun option to really challenge yourself.
There are also SO many benefits to swimming, including:
- Improved Cardiovascular system
- Breath control & expanded lung capacity
- Good way to burn calories
- Stress management
- Lowers Blood Pressure
If you have asthma this may come as a shock, but it is actually good for helping that.
Rock Climbing

While this is in a Gym, its certainly not a traditional one!
This is probably one of the most effective total body sculpting exercises I know.
Rock climbing will increase both upper and lower body strength as well as endurance.
Everybody starts out on the easy walls, but when you work up to it, anyone can train hard enough to do the inverted walls.
Which is super fun!
This is a favorite activity of mine, and I can personally say that it will give you awesome definition in your musculature if you keep at it.
Climbing gym’s are a safe environment for both kids and adults, and usually have awesome instructors willing to teach you the ropes of rock climbing.
Also, always be safe when deciding to climb outside!

Yoga is amazing for keeping fit and lean, and has a pace for everyone.
The stereotype initial thought when hearing “you should start doing yoga” is sometimes the thought that Yoga is purely a spiritual or religious practice, or that you have to be super flexible before you start.
Especially because you can do this practice at home, it is a great way to keep fit without a gym!
With any exercise, always start where you are, with what you’ve got.
No one who starts out with yoga starts out as an expert, but with practice anyone can learn.
Yoga is an awesome way to stretch, learn core balance and gain core strength, and build lean muscle.
Vinyasa yoga is a more fast pace type of yoga (my personal favorite!) and is actually a very good workout for those of you who need something fast paced.
Related Content: a Beginners Guide to Yoga Poses
Martial Arts

This particular activity is near and dear to my soul, and is something I have done my entire life.
I was ten-years old when I was enrolled in my first Tae Kwon Do class, and I have stuck with martial arts ever since.
From Tae Kwon Do, then Kickboxing and now Karate, I can say from experience that martial arts will give you a sense of peace and discipline that nothing else can.
As well as an overall sense of self-worth and confidence, it improves balance, flexibility, strength and endurance.
Not only that, but doing a Martial Art is a full body workout, and a total mind/body discipline.
There are so many benefits to starting a Martial Arts practice!
Though you do need to go to a dojo for this exercise, it is a non-traditional for of exercise (not just weight lifting or running) and I still count in as a way to keep fit without a gym.
At Home Fitness Programs

Getting fit at home is a great option, and very doable.
Investing in yourself by purchasing a set of good weights, bands, yoga mats and a fitness program will help you get fit on your own time.
I have been working out at home for years with Beachbody programs, and have had such a great experience with them.
There are also plenty of free options I’ve used on YouTube, like Tara Stiles Yoga, Blogilates, and Miss Fit and Nerdy.
Related Content: How I got massive results with Beachbody Programs
Disclaimer for alternative fitness

Always be safe with any and every activity that you decide to do.
Only seek training from experienced experts, and make sure you use good form and are aware of your surrounding.
When deciding to train at home, make sure you are doing exactly as the instructor says, and use good form to keep yourself safe.
Have fun, and I hope that this post was enlightening and helpful to you!
Have a favorite activity? Post it in the comments below!