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The problem with skincare products
Everyone wants to have clear smooth skin. It makes you feel cleaner, more attractive and more confident when your skin is blemish free.
I struggled through middle school and high school with oily skin that I could never get under control, and stressing about my skin only made my skin worse.
I tried Proactive and Neutrogena’s skin id, and those both worked… for a little while.
The problem with these products is that they will bleach your skin to make it look better, less red and puffy.
When the towels I had been using to clean my face were getting white bleach spots, I got worried.
If your skin care will strip the color out of your bright green hand towels, what’s it doing to your face?

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Bad ingredients?
The main ingredient in a lot of skin care products is Salicylic acid.
I am not a doctor or a dermatologist. I don’t currently have a degree in science or nutrition.
After doing research on what Salicylic acid should be used for, I realized that it is also the main ingredient in wart removal products to help extract plantar warts and help them come out of the skin.
“This medication is used on the skin to treat common skin and foot (plantar) warts. Salicylic acid helps cause the wart to gradually peel off.
This medication is also used to help remove corns and calluses.
This product should not be used on the face or on moles, birthmarks, warts with hair growing from them, or genital/anal warts.”
The above statement is from
After I stopped using Salicylic acid treatments and my face to recovered, I wanted to find natural products that would help heal my skin.
I stopped wearing makeup for a good long while. The foundation I had been using was aiding in making my oily skin even oilier, and clogging my pores.
I now only use products that are easy on my skin, plant or nutrient based and can be found in health food or vitamin stores.
Real Beauty secrets that will heal your skin
The products listed below are ones that I now use on a daily basis to help with keep my skin clean and clear of blemishes.
SilverBiotics: silver gel by American Biotech Labs
Ever heard of silver gel?
Colloidal silver is the best product I have ever used on my skin.
It heals the skin without irritation and is quick and effective.
These are the benefits, listed on America Biotech Labs website:
- Made with 20 ppm patented SilverSol® Technology
- Designed to help promote natural healing of the skin
- Ideal to be used daily with both children and adults
- Helps to renew, soften, sooth, and rejuvenate the skin
- Clinically tested
- Used and Recommended by Doctors, Massage Therapists, Estheticians, and Beauty Consultants
Silver gel is safe and inexpensive, and since you don’t need to use very much at a time (I use a drop about the size of a dime and it covers my whole face) the large bottle will last you over a month or two!
Silver gel can help heal acne scarring, and make your face look less red and inflamed.
It does not do much to moisturize your skin, but it is great for cleaning it.
Find a good Facial Scrub or cleanser
This is the first step to cleaning your skin.
I like to use something that has a little bit of texture to it since I work out a lot, and don’t like to leave sweat on my face for too long.
Having a good cleanser is important, but it may be a bit tricky to find one that suits you.
Recently, I have found that I really like the Pacifica brand for a cleanser.
Pacifica is a vegan, cruelty-free brand that uses natural ingredients in all their products.
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel is an astringent that is made from a shrub. Astringents are basically what we call “toners” that tighten up the skin and keep things like dirt and sweat from getting in our pores and clogging them. I use witch hazel after I use my facial wash in the morning.
Natural Facial Moisturizer
You need to have a good moisturizer.
Toners and cleansers are great and will help clear your skin, but if your face gets too dry it could start getting irritated or try to produce more oil than it needs.
A facial moisturizer is the only one you should use for skin care for your face.
It needs to say facial lotion on the bottle, because if it says total body or hand and elbow, those are for tougher areas of your body and can cause breakouts too.
A facial moisturizer will be much softer and lighter and should keep your face soft while not making it oily.
My favorite go-to skin care product…
I have never been one who had an easy time with my skincare.
When I was working at Sprouts Farmers Market, I discovered the Evanhealy skin care line.
And MAN, did I fall in love with it.

Evanhealy is a great company, and their line of skin care is very natural and down to earth. They use oil, water and clay for their products keeping them as close to the earth as possible.
I have never found another skin care regimen that has worked so gently, and so efficiently with my skin. Their Rose Balancing kit shown above is what I use.
You can find Evanhealy products at some health markets like Sprouts, on Amazon, or through
Hope that these tips help you in your quest for clean, healthy and blemish free skin, I know they have worked wonders for me!
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