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Help yourself out mama – 5 Easy Self Care ideas for new mama’s
My baby boy Arthur was born on October 24th 2019, and I could never have predicted how much love I could feel for this little boy.
Also, how tired a person could be.
If you are a new mom, you know how tired a baby will make you.
The sleepless nights, and then days. Carrying the little one around the house, because they just want to be held. Or when they get colic, and no one is happy.
Being a mama is the best thing in the world, but its also hard on your body and mind.
You NEED to make time for yourself, and indulge in some self care.

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Take a Sitz Bath (or Epsom Salt + Lavender oil bath)
Bathing after childbirth is one of the most relaxing things ever. You hurt down there for a long while after, and the warm water helps tremendously.
There are people (and professionals) that say not to bathe after giving birth to avoid infection. After childbirth, your placenta detaches and basically leaves an open wound.

You want to avoid getting anything up there that would cause an infection.
Mommy on Purpose has a great article on how to do a safe, post partum sitz bath. After you stop bleeding, doing a bath with Epsom salt and lavender oil (which works as an antibacterial) can be wonderful for self care.
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Reading your favorite book, or a new book, can be a good way to relax and get away for a while. This is one of my best self care ideas for new mama’s, and one of my favorite things to do at night before bed.
This way, Ashton gets some cuddle time with Arthur, and I get some hands-free time to read and relax.
Reading a self care book can also be a great way to take care of your mind as a mama.
It’s best to use one that has step-by-step instructions, daily challenges, and advice for everyday living and taking care of your mind and heart.
Motherhood will challenge your mental, physical, and emotional wellness, so it’s nice to have something with easy-to-read daily lessons.
Light Exercise
I LOVE to exercise, so not being able to exercise during the last month of pregnancy was rough.
When I think of easy self-care ideas for a new mama, exercise is the first thing I thought of. The other day, Ashton held the baby so I could do some light yoga and body weight exercises, and I felt so great afterward!
You should always wait to get approved by your Midwife or Doctor to do any exercise postpartum.
That being said,
Post partum exercise can be wonderful for self care.
Get a Massage

Mama, your muscles need it.
I’m lucky enough to have a good friend that is a professional massage therapist. But even if you don’t splurge for a professional massage, have your partner give you one.
Taking care of your body is important when you have a little one to also take care of.
Favorite drink splurge
Ashton surprised me with a salted caramel mocha the week after we got back from the hospital, and it was SO nice. I love him so much.
Having your favorite drink is a nice indulgence, and can give you some mental peace and quiet.
There’s just something about getting fancy coffee every now and then.
Why you NEED some alone time as a new mama

Spending all your time with your precious little one, or with your spouse is not healthy for you in the long run. You NEED time to yourself.
Taking time for yourself gives you a chance to unwind, reset, and then really appreciate the time you do have with your family.
For me, getting a bath during the day gives me some time with my own thoughts. When I have that 20 minutes to myself, I feel like I can really enjoy my time with my husband and son afterwards.
Remember, self care is about refilling yourself so that you can also take care of others.