My Floré by Sun Genomics Review

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So if you’ve followed this blog for a while, you’ll know that I’ve always had digestive issues. I’ve taken probiotics for years, but never found them very helpful. And once I found Flore, I started to understand why. Here’s my Floré by Sun Genomics Review, I hope you enjoy and find it useful.

How Floré Works

Floré by Sun Genomics starts with a comprehensive gut microbiome test. You receive a testing kit to collect a stool sample, which is then analyzed in Sun Genomics’ lab. The process was really simple. I was nervous about this part, but it was step by step and very easy to do. The detailed analysis identifies the specific bacterial strains present in the gut, highlighting imbalances and deficiencies. One thing I really like is that after subscribing for 6 months, you get a free retest to compare your original results to.

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Based on these insights, Floré creates a custom probiotic blend designed to address the unique needs of your gut microbiome. This is what makes Floré so different than other probiotics. It’s based on your own body! You’re simply helping it along, but it works much more effectively than others because it’s made just for you.

One thing that I really appreciated about it is that I was able to avoid needing to hire a naturopath who does this “The long way” – often with 10+ supplements a day. Besides naturopaths being expensive, I would seriously dislike having to take that many pills a day. I’ve convinced a few friends to switch to Flore and they are so happy that they did.

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Benefits I noticed after taking Floré

  1. Improved Digestion: My digestive health was so much better, including reduced bloating and more regular bowel movements. I noticed myself becoming much more regular after 2-3 weeks of taking consistently.
  2. Enhanced Immunity: When your gut is balanced, you get sick less often. I definitely noticed this! When people around me were getting sick, I would either get mildly ill, or not at all. It was awesome.
  3. Better Mental Health: The science backs this up, but I noticed that my mental health was improved. I suffer from anxiety and also depression, and found the symptoms much more tolerable. Of course, I can’t say it’s solely from Floré and I’m not a doctor.

Final Thoughts and Grab Your Discount

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