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I don’t think anyone just wakes up knowing what they want to be, or what they want their life to look like.
It takes years of searching. Finding out what makes you tick. And ultimately, finding what can you do to make your life and the world a better place to live. It took me a long time to figure out that I wanted to be a blogger and run my own business, but I finally found it.
I recently discovered that this journey started a long time ago.
I read a lot in my late teens, and without knowing it I had started reading blogs. Writing, art and healthy living have always been important to me, but I never considered blogging. To my surprise, blogging would be the thing that put all three passions together.

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The people who have inspired me to blog:
I have wanted to do this for a while now. This post is a dedication to people who inspire me, and have given me the motivation to blog. I wanted to wait a little while till I had more readers before publishing this,
so here it is!
I want to give a shout out to my favorite bloggers, and those who have been such an inspiration for me on this journey.
Thank you all for being so diligent, and chasing your dreams so that others know they can achieve theirs as well.
Teresa Palmer: Your Zen Life, Your Zen Mama

Photo from
My very first inspiration for blogging was unexpected.
I was 18 and looking for some good ways to eat cleaner and feel healthier in my own skin when I stumbled upon a blog called Your Zen Life.
The first post I remember reading was about “the Healing powers of Green Juice” and the recipe Tez talks about in that blog helped clear up my skin like nothing else. It was then that I got hooked on healthier living. I realized that I had to start giving my body what it truly needed.
At the time, that blog was run by Teresa Palmer and Phoebe Tonkin. It is now still run by Teresa, and she has moved onto helping mom’s through the challenges and joys of motherhood with her blog, Your Zen Mama.
Teresa is very inspirational in her walk with motherhood, maintaining her life as an actress and wife as well, and still being healthy.
Both blogs have lots of wonderful guest contributors, and are centered around healthy, happy living.
Check out Teresa at and
Alex Nerney and Lauren McManus: Create and Go, Avocadu

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Alex and Lauren are amazing. Just, freaking amazing.
If I can say that. They have a great story! They went from both working jobs that were not fulfilling, and living life paycheck to paycheck.
Sound familiar?
It did to me.
They turned all that around to take the steps to live a life that they chose for themselves.
Alex and Lauren have inspired me to create a blog and brand for myself, and given me steps to do that through their courses and all the info on their blogs.
Alex and Lauren also have a YouTube channel for Create and Go that is packed with great information about how to get started blogging, and how to create a profitable blog.
If you are an aspiring blogger, their Pro Blogger Bundle is the BEST way to start out!
Check them out at: and
Allison Lindstrom: Frugal on the Prairie,
Allison Lindstrom is one of my favorite bloggers.

Photo from:
She gives a “no-nonsense” feel to the real side of being a blogger.
Whether it’s being a stay at home mom and having a full-time blog, or saving money for your family budget, she is on it. Allison has a YouTube channel under her name, and it has some really great info on all things blogging.
Check out Allison’s blog in the photo link below!
Marisa Chaela: MissFitandNerdy

Marisa is the owner of the domain “MissFitandNerdy”.
She runs a YouTube channel dedicated to healthy living, and vlogs about healthy dieting, how to eat for your body type, and many more beneficial topics on food and health.
I was introduced to her channel a few months ago by my younger sister, and I have followed her vlogs for information on better living since.
Check out Marisa’s channel at: MissFitandNerdy – YouTube
Finding Inspiration Everywhere
It is important to have community and to have others to look up to.
Whatever your passion is, and however you go about pursuing it, you cant do it alone. Find others in your niche to reach out to! If they have been doing it longer, they will have experience and knowledge that could help you on your own walk.
Having friends and family to back you up and hold your hand through life is important, but remember that finding people who can be mentors and guide you is just as important.
Blogging is about community, don’t go it alone.
Have an awesome day guys!