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Having a good self care routine is so important.
This new year means new chances to take better care of ourselves, and find out what we really need. Learning to take better care of yourself will help you to change the way you live in a positive way.
Here is a list of 27 self care ideas for monthly, weekly and daily self-care, that you can easily implement into your routine.

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Monthly Self-Care ideas:
1. Schedule a Massage.
2. Go to dinner with your best friend of spouse.
3. Buy something small that makes you smile.
4. Play with animals at a mall or shelter.
5. Plan a night to do something you really want to.
6. Spend some time in a bookstore.
Weekly Self-Care ideas:
7. Take a long bath at least once every week.
8. Self Check in: Evaluate how you are doing mentally, emotionally and physically.
9. Cook one of your favorite meals.
10. Schedule a night for you-time.
11. Set a standing coffee date with a friend.
12. Get dressed up for no reason.
13. Start doing yoga.
14. Clean and listen to happy music.
Daily Self Care ideas:
15. Exercise, even if only for 30 minutes.
16. Light candles or incense.
17. Wash your face and brush your teeth.
18. If it makes you happy, wear makeup.
19. Eat something healthy.
20. Brush your hair.
21. Take a hot shower.
22. Drink tea.
23. List out 5 things you are grateful for.
24. Tell yourself something you admire about yourself.
25. Pray.
26. Listen to good music.
27. Go on a walk.
Have a wonderful, healthy day.

author of a Natural Endeavor
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