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Staying healthy while working from home can be challenging.
I know as well as anyone that when you are in the work zone, it is tempting to just stay on the couch or in the office, and just work your butt off.
I love the early morning’s when I can just sip on my coffee and work with Sakura (my big ol’ Siamese kitty) snuggled up next to me. So trust me when I say, it can be hard to stay healthy as a blogger.
So you are working from home, or you want to make working from home your full-time job. You want to give your best-self to your readers or viewers, and you want to FEEL your best too.
What helps us write our best? What gives us the inspiration to write, especially in the wellness niche? We need to keep our minds and bodies healthy and active if we want to keep a healthy, balanced life outside of our amazing blogs and jobs.

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Staying Healthy while working from home.
Working from home can be one of the most freeing things in the world.
Working from home allows me to choose when I work, get up at whatever time is healthiest for me, and spend as much time with my family as possible.
There are also some unhealthy habits we can pick up when working from our computers.
I have caught myself staying at my desk working on my blog, or emailing fellow bloggers or customers for hours. Not making time for breaks, or to eat.
That is not healthy.
Making time for breaks is just as important when you work from home, just as much as when you work for someone else.
If you were at a corporate job, you wouldn’t hesitate to take a 15 minute break, right? I know I never skipped breaks at most of my previous jobs.
Know when to take a break
Set a time during your work day to pause, and take a break.
This should be at least 15 minutes. Use this time to get some coffee or tea, eat something, or take a yoga/exercise break. Whatever gets you away from the computer and your blood flowing, do that.
Making Healthy Habits
Health at home requires making healthy habits.

When we make something a habit, we are more likely to stick with it. Don’t settle for super processed food when working from home.
It’s easy to crab some sugary cereal or pop tarts and just keep working, but don’t.
Take a little extra time to go to the kitchen and make some eggs. You get to work from home, take advantage of that!
Get outside!
Don’t skip this step! Walk around the block, go to the park, take a drive. If it gets you out of the house, go for it. Working from home can make home less relaxing, which stinks. So go outside, feel the sunshine, and get out of your head.
Don’t forget to exercise
Everyone knows that exercise is good for you.
But do you know that exercise can help you think better, feel better, and write better? Getting your blood flowing and refreshing your mind is a great way to break up the day, and keep healthy while working from home.
Related Content: 5 Ways to Stay Fit – when you hate the gym.
Maintaining Relationships is Vital
Don’t get caught up in shutting yourself into your house all day. Please don’t.
Our friends and family are VITAL to keeping us sane! I cant even tell you how many times my husband has told me something like, “No working today, its Sunday for crying out loud.”
That is how time consuming blogging (or entrepreneurship in general) really is. You will forget what day it is. You will forget to have lunch with your friends or go to the gym, do yoga or shut the computer off and relax for once.

Don’t get me wrong! I love it. SO much. But there is a real struggle when it comes to NOT working at all hours of the day. When you love something, it becomes like a fun, art project that you always want to be working on, but there are other things, and people in your life that deserve your time.
Make sure to schedule dates with your spouse, coffee with your besties, time to spend snuggling your babies, or fur-babies. Those are the things that make working from home, worth it.
Related Content: Why you need to try Screen-Fasting
In Summary…
Here is a summary of what we went over today, and how you can start staying healthy while doing what you love.
- Know when to take a break.
- Start making some healthy habits.
- Get outside.
- Don’t forget to exercise!
- Maintaining relationships.
Have a healthy, mindful day.