5 easy steps to having a happier mind

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How to create a happier mind

Money, taxes, family issues, working at a job that you hate. I have been there with all of that.

Most of us just brush these things off as things we can’t control, therefor we don’t feel like we are capable to do anything about it. But there are things we can do to create a happier mental space for ourselves.

how to have a happier mind and life

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Being happy doesn’t just happen.

Especially with all the factors that go into day-to-day living. Happiness is a choice, and there are things that you can intentionally do that will help you to make happiness more of a habit.

Let go of thoughts that do not help you.

Our thought life is very important to having a happy life. It is easy to get caught in the trap of negative thinking, and turn what could have been a fun, happy day into a disaster.

When thoughts arise that make you feel sad, hurt or rejected, tell them to hit the road!

Bring back thoughts of positivity, the “I can”, “I am”, “I will”, good thoughts.

You are as strong and capable as anyone else, remind yourself of that.

Related Content: How to use Healthy Self-Talk

Start the day with good hygiene.

taking a bath

Who doesn’t feel great after a shower?

Keeping our bodies clean is a great way to have a happier mind and start the day fresh.

I try to start every morning by brushing my teeth and washing my face. It wakes me up, keeps up good hygiene and makes me feel fresh and ready for the day.

Feeling clean will also lift your mood!

This can apply to both keeping our bodies nice and clean, and cleaning our homes. A cluttered home leads to a cluttered mind and less productivity. While a clean home leads to relaxation and less stress.

Related Content: AMAZING cleaning products for a Holistic home.

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Being on time.

Being on time.

I hate rushing around. It makes me feel panicky, gets my heart-rate racing, and makes me feel anxious.

Making time for yourself to get ready, and still have 5-10 extra minutes to get where you need to be will help you cut anxiety, and feel more calm.

By giving ourselves extra time, it creates a more positive feeling when getting ready to go somewhere. No one is happy when they are late or get stuck in traffic, and those negative experiences can be avoided by giving ourselves extra time.

Related Content: 5 Toxic habits that are keeping you stressed out.

Be intentional about smiling.

Happier mind, coffee

Smiles really are contagious!

Looking at our selves in the mirror and smiling can literally change the way we feel. It gives us the impression that we are happy, and smiling can actually make you feel more happy and positive.

When we smile, often others around us will start to feel happier, and that feeling is contagious too. When we are in good, happy company, its hard not to feel the love and have a happier mind too.

Related Content: How to find more peace in life.

Stop apologizing.

This may seem contradictory, but I’m serious.

Don't apologize. Happier mind

We apologize ALL THE TIME.

Most of the time its totally unnecessary!

  • When someone bumps into you at the store.
  • Saying no to something.
  • Taking time for yourself.
  • Taking time to think before making a decision.
  • Telling the truth.
  • The way you feel.
  • For other people.

These are just a few examples, but think of all the times we say “I’m sorry” during the day.

Its a lot. Apologizing all the time can actually hurt our self-worth and make us feel like things are our fault, when they aren’t.

I’m obviously not saying that you should NEVER apologize, especially when we are in the wrong. We have to take responsibility for our actions.

But you should never feel the need to apologize a default just so that someone else feels better.

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