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Paying for a Pinterest course… should you bother?
I get it when people say, I don’t want to spend money till I’m making it.
But girl, we need to talk for a second.
Being a blogger for over a year, I have a bit of experience when it comes to self-teaching and Pinterest. Let me tell you, Pinterest is HARD to figure out on your own!
They change their algorithm what seems like every day.
I went to college for 4 years, mostly studying art and design. I loved my classes, teachers and the friends I made there, and I don’t regret one cent that I spent there.
When you want to learn how to do something really well, you need to be willing to pay to be taught how to do it.
Sure, there is a ton of FREE info out there.
The problem with free information is that it’s not always good.
And it doesn’t have to be, it doesn’t cost you anything.
I have paid for and taken 3 blogging courses so far, and have learned SO much with each one. The experience I have had with Pinterest Traffic Avalanche by Create and GO was unlike any course I had taken before.
Why should you trust my opinion?
If you can’t tell, I don’t blog about blogging.
That is not how my business works and that is not how my blog makes the majority of its income. That being said, this course will help you get traffic no matter what niche you are in.

(This page probably contains affiliate links, if you want to read more about that check out our disclaimer page)
My results with Pinterest Traffic Avalanche
Over a year and a half ago, I started my blog, got it up and running, and waited for the traffic to flow.
After weeks and then months of crickets, I started to wonder WHAT I was doing wrong. I did the Pinterest thing (or at least I thought I was doing it), tried to optimize my site, and did everything I could think of to get visitors.
But NOTHING worked.
My traffic floated between 200-1000 views per month for a looong time. There were some days that I literally had 10 views per day. I wanted to give up, because there was no way in my mind that I could EVER make money from a gig like this.
It was too hard.
Que Alex and Lauren

After searching for answers on Pinterest, I found Alex and Lauren, and their blog Create and GO.
They started out as just two crazy kids with a dream of working for themselves, quitting their jobs and travelling the world. They wanted to be full time bloggers, and have the financial freedom to live life the way they wanted.
Alex and Lauren made their dreams come true, and now make over $100,000 per month with their two blogs, and their courses that help others learn how to do the same thing they are doing.
Living life on THEIR terms.
(The link’s to Alex and Lauren’s course below have an affiliate code. This helps me get a small commission at no extra cost to you, if you decide to purchase. This basically tells them that I told you about their courses, and is a thank you from them to me. If you do decide to purchase this course, please use one of my links below. It helps me to keep my business afloat and provide readers like you with high quality information.)
How my blog traffic exploded
Like I said, I was surfing around a sad, sad pool of 10 visitors a day.
10 visitors.
I bought Alex and Lauren’s course Pinterest Traffic Avalanche. This was hands down one of the BEST investments I have made for my blog.
So, I started Alex and Lauren’s course, and it turned out I had been doing everything the hard way.
Shortly after, I started to change the way I did things on my blog. After just one month of implementing the info from Alex and Lauren’s course, I started to see a MASSIVE upward trend with my blog traffic.
I went from getting less than 1,000 views per month, to getting OVER 10k views per month!

The chart above is a picture of my actual traffic from the last year and a half.
In the first 10 months of my blogging business, I made practically no traffic. You can see that up until March, I was struggling hard.
In March 2019 (The month I bought Pinterest Traffic Avalanche.) I had 10,066 visitors and 11,858 views to my posts. In April 2019 I had 16,047 visitors and 18,821 views.
That is an amount of traffic I never dreamed would be possible.
(You can see I had a short decline of traffic in May-August 2019, but that was a blogger wide issue. Pinterest had some issues with Google, and TONS of bloggers got their accounts temporarily suspended on Pinterest at no fault of their own. Once our accounts were turned back on, our traffic started going back up.)
THIS below, is my traffic as of February 2020.
Still going strong, and now I am approved with Mediavine, a professional ad management service that pays you a full income.

These views are proof it works
Alex and Lauren make their courses easy to use. The layout makes learning easy, and they use lots of video and charts to help you easily understand and apply everything they teach you.
Another thing to note is that in 2018 I published 59 posts and had under 9k views that whole year.
This year, I have written 75 posts and had 115k views so far. That is WAY less posts for the amount of views, which means I did less work to get more traffic. BOOM.
Every month I now get to see an increase in my views and my visitor rate. This is the best feeling, and it just keeps on getting better and better.
I get to be a stay at home mama because of my blog
My blog actually feels like a business now, and that is helping me live my dream of being a stay at home mama.
If you want this kind of traffic for your blog, go buy Alex and Lauren’s course Pinterest Traffic Avalanche with my affiliate link here. You won’t pay any more for it by going through my link.
The only difference is that I get a small commission from Alex and Lauren for promoting their product for them.
How this course can change your blog, and your life.

I never thought my traffic could be this good, or that my blog would grow so quickly in such a short amount of time.
If you do what I did, and really apply yourself with the information they give you, Pinterest Traffic Avalanche can redefine traffic for your blog.
What does that mean for you?
Well, it could mean more viewers and subscribers to your business.
It means more potential income for you and your family.
Or, more time to spend with your family.
Growing your Pinterest traffic faster means that your blogging business has the opportunity to TAKE OFF.
That could be a game changer for you and your goals. If you want to be a stay at home parent, run your own business from home, or even just provide a little extra income on the side, this course could help you do that.
What are you waiting for?
Put your blog on the path to success today.