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Morning sickness was the worst thing I have felt physically in a loooong time. I had it pretty bad too. As soon as my feet hit the ground in the morning I could feel the nausea rising. Morning sickness didn’t just last the morning though, it lasted ALL DAY sometimes.
(Surprise for anyone who didn’t know yet, we are expecting a little one!)

Being in the last week of my first trimester, I have learned some ways to beat the morning sickness, and actually get through the day.
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Lemon Water

Every morning when I got up I would go to the kitchen and make myself a glass of lemon water. It gave my body something to use, eased away the morning sickness, and kept my stomach from turning.
I am not sure if this is something that works for everyone, but it worked wonders for me. I did this before eating anything, and would sometimes finish a whole glass before breakfast.
Ginger Candy

Ginger candy is a LIFE SAVER. I work retail right now at World Market, and I would keep a bag of the Chimes or Gin-Gins brand ginger candies in my apron at all times.
It was my favorite way to beat morning sickness.
I also have friends who say they would get dried ginger or drink ginger tea, and they say that worked great as well.
Cheerios (Mom’s Best Healthy Brand)

We are not one for eating the “on-brand” cereal, and the Mom’s Best brand actually has much better cheerio-type cereal.
Dry food sch as cheerios or saltine crackers are something you NEED to have on hand at all times. There will be days when the nausea is so bad, and you just need something dry in your stomach.
You can even keep these next to your bed in case you get sick right away like I was getting.
Pre-Natal gummies
I got this tip from my manager who said once you start taking your pre-natals, nausea will start to subside.
It actually helped a TON.
Nausea didn’t go away altogether, but it did start to get less frequent after I was taking my pre-natal gummies on a nightly basis.
Also, taking them before bed instead of in the morning can help you keep them down since morning sickness is pretty prevalent in the morning or during the day.
Staying full
I was taking small meals like I would typically eat to work early on in my pregnancy, and I was finding that I had to buy food at work because I was so hungry all the time.

I noticed that if I ever get too hungry, I will start to feel sick. Eating small, frequent meals is one of the best ways I have found to keep myself full and keep nausea away.
This doesn’t mean to over-eat, cuz that may be counter-productive, but eat until you are not hungry.
Drinking enough water
Stay hydrated!
Your body needs SO MUCH much more water now than it did before. Keeping hydrated may mean taking multiple water bottles to work. Just remember to drink water, and be conscious of how your body feels.
An easy way to tell if you are hydrated or not is to look at your tongue in the mirror. If it is pink, you are hydrated. If it’s white, or gray colored, drink some water!
Related Content: 4 Things you need to cut from your diet.
Here is a list of all the things I did to counteract nausea during my first trimester:
- Lemon Water
- Gin-Gins ginger candy
- Cheerios (Moms Best healthy brand)
- Pre-natal gummies
- Staying Full
- Drinking Enough Water
Feel free to comment what things have helped you during your first trimester!
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