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The holiday season is such a fun time of year, and if we really lean into it, there are so many things we can do to really enjoy each moment of it. I thought it would be a fun idea to make a list of things we can do to take care of ourselves this Christmas season. Here are your 25 Days of Christmas Self Care.
25 Days of Christmas Self Care

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We often make the holiday season about everyone else, and while it is definitely a season for togetherness, we need to let ourselves relax and enjoy it as much as possible too.
Day One: Deck the Halls
Have you started decorating yet? This will be your first task! Don’t overdo it, don’t stress.
What type of decor will make you feel coziest this winter?
Christmas self-care starts here.
Make your space feel more like Christmas with some lights, a little holly, and spruce up your space with one of our holiday scented candles!

Day Two: Clear some space
Clear some space in your calendar.
There is nothing worse than realizing you have packed SO many things into your winter schedule that you don’t even have time to grab groceries.
Use today to free up some time for doing nothing, or doing the things you otherwise wouldn’t have planned.
Day Three: Do something nice for yourself
Make yourself a priority today!
If you have Christmas shopping to do, buy yourself a nice treat for today as well. Even if it’s just a cup of coffee.
Related Content: 10 Healthy Self Care Stocking Stuffers
Day Four: Spend some time in meditation
Find some quiet time today and meditate.
This can be simply sitting with your eyes closed and thinking of the things that you are thankful for this year.
Meditation can be laying on the floor in Shavasana and simply clearing your mind of all the things you don’t need to be worrying about.
Take some time to clear your mind, and let your mind take a break.
Related Content: 7 Healing Benefits of Meditation

Day Five: RELAX
It’s Hygge time.
If you haven’t heard of Hygge (Hue-gah) it is the Scandinavian or Dutch phrase meaning “Contentment”.
This is achieved through means of coziness, closeness and downtime. You can use candles, warm food, blankets, and anything that will help you relax.
Relaxing during the holidays is a must.
You need downtime for self-care, and to really enjoy anything.
Make sure to make time to relax.
Related Content: How to use Hygge to actually enjoy Winter
Day Six: Silent Night
Create some quiet time before bed to read, meditate, or soak in the tub.
Let your spouse or family members know that tonight is an off switch, and dedicated to enjoying the silence.
Make it intentional!
Letting others know you need an hour to yourself is a good way to make sure that you don’t get interrupted.
Day Seven: Quality Time is key
Sometimes self care means coffee with your best friend.

One of my favorite things to do in the wintertime is to go to the bookstore with my best friend and get coffee.
The quality time is priceless and is one of my favorite things to look back on during the cold winter months.
Self-care can involve other people, and Christmas self-care definitely should!
Day Eight: Something New
Try something new this winter!
Have you ever been ice skating?
Have you ever gone to a homeless shelter to serve food?
Ever been on a shopping spree for Christmas goodies with your best friends or siblings?
Find something fun that you have never tried, you may find that you really enjoy it!
Day Nine: Christmas Cookie Magic

Christmas self care means baking!
Baking during the holidays was always a big deal in my home growing up, and every year we would do a bug cookie exchange/Christmas party at my parents’ house.
This was such a fun thing to look forward to, and it promotes togetherness and holiday fun.
Find your favorite holiday cookie recipe, and make enough to last!
Let’s get that cookie magic going.
Day Ten: Light up the Night
Who doesn’t love a good Christmas candle?
There is just something about the glow of a candle sitting on the coffee table while you watch holiday movies, or snuggle under blankets.
I love Zum Holiday candles because they smell like Christmas.
Unlike a lot of candles, you can actually smell these once they have been burning for a while.
Day Eleven: Unplug

Shut off that phone.
Heck, even go as far as putting it in another room.
Being intentional with your time so that you actually remember it will make you a lot happier in the long run.
It’s too easy to “fast-forward” through the boring parts of life by looking at our phones or screens.
We distract ourselves and fill up the spaces between activities, and this leads to us never being satisfied in the quiet moments.
The small moments when “nothing” is happening are usually the sweetest.
Take them in, don’t distract from the now.
Related content: I ditched my phone for a week. How to have a tech detox.
Day Twelve: Hot Drink day

Make or buy your favorite drink!
I love me a good Peppermint Mocha or Salted Caramel Mocha this time of year.
There is nothing quite like walking around the book store with a good cup of coffee while the snow is falling outside.
Or, getting snug on the couch to watch your favorite Christmas movie with some cocoa.
Day Thirteen: Holiday Movie Night

Pick your favorite Christmas movie!
This is such a fun activity to do and helps you to relax into the holiday season.
You could even do a movie marathon if you want!
Day Fourteen: Journal and Self Reflect
Journaling is a great way to reflect on how you are feeling, and find what you need.
Taking some time to get out your thoughts and feelings on paper is very healthy, and will help your mental and emotional state during winter.
Related Content: Seasonal Depression and Winter Self Care
Day Fifteen: Find your Vibe
Essential oils are a great way to spruce up any home for the holidays!
You can use a diffuser and your favorite oil to make your home smell just like Christmas morning.
You can also use candles to do this, and we have some great options in our holiday shop!
What is your fave holiday scent?
Fill your home with it and feel the cozy-ness take over.
Day Sixteen: Set your inner child free

Holiday crafts are the perfect way to feel like a kid again!
Scented pine cones, paper snowflakes, handmade ornaments…
These are so fun to make, and also super inexpensive.
Day Seventeen: Get Traditional
What are your family Christmas traditions?
If you are not sure, ask a friend or relative what their favorite Christmas traditions are.
You can also start your own family traditions as well!
Write these down and make it a point to fulfill some, if not all, of these this year.
Day Eighteen: Play that Christmas music loud, girl
We all have a favorite Christmas song or album, and it’s time to break it out!
Find some Christmas music that you love and let it play loud. My personal favorite is the She and Him Christmas album, or any Pentatonix Christmas music.
Day Nineteen: De-clutter your home

If my house is a mess, I CANNOT relax.
It’s impossible.
De-cluttering your space can help you relax, think more clearly, and be more motivated.
This in itself is an act of self-care, because you are taking care of the space around you.
Day Twenty: Holiday PJ’s and Chill
Christmas pj’s are kind of the best. Find your favorite pair of pajamas and a good movie and chill!
This can be by yourself for some solo relaxing time, or with a friend or loved one.
Make today a cozy PJ day, and stay inside as long as you can. This is a great way to have some Christmas Self Care!
Day Twenty-One: Get out and find that Holiday Spirit
Get outside and find that holiday cheer.
There are so many fun activities to do during this time of year, including going on a sleigh ride, driving down a street decked with Christmas lights, caroling, or even snowboarding.
Day Twenty-Two: Wanna build a snowman?

I don’t care how old you are, building a snowman or playing in the freshly fallen snow is a MUST when it comes to wintertime.
Get outside and have some fun!
Day Twenty-Three: Invest in Self Care for the new year
Next year is almost here!
And you deserve some self-care. Have you ever thought of using a self-care guide?
Investing in a self-care book to start the year off right is a good way to give yourself a head start, and set off on a new path this coming year.
I wrote an eBook called 30 Days to Inner Peace. It is a self-care eBook that helps you connect to yourself and those around you while finding peace within yourself.
The eBook is $25 and gives you 30 days worth of self-care activities, spaces to learn, and topics that really hit home and make you think
I highly suggest making it part of your self-care routine to start off the new year right.
Click this link to go to our shop page, and get your copy!
Day Twenty-Four: Memory Lane
Telling Christmas stories is a great way to relax and connect with those around you.
This is a great Christmas eve activity and can bring you closer to those you love.
Day Twenty-Five: Be Present

Being present is the best gift you can give to others, and to yourself.
I think this is the most important day, not only because it’s Christmas, but because of the message.
Shut off your phone, glance away from the TV, take in the atmosphere and those close to you.
Even your pets desire your full attention and affection. Make this day one to remember by really being there.
The best present you can give is your presence.
But also…
If you are looking for some great self-care-themed stocking stuffers for your loved ones (or yourself!) this Christmas season, check out my list here!
It has all my favorite self-care go-to items, from bath bombs to relaxing drink mixes.