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How to calm anxiety & panic when everyone is losing it
Mental health is just as important as physical health. I am writing this is March 2020, and while everyone is worrying about sickness spreading, keeping a level head is more important than ever. Here are some tips you can use to calm anxiety and panic during this stressful time.

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Intentional breathing is not only therapeutic, but can actually help calm your mind, slow down your heart rate, and gently lower your blood pressure.
So take a breather.
Try using deep breathing techniques such as the 4,7,8 technique, or doing some yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi.
These types of exercise have a great focus on breathe control.
Related Content: 7 Healing Benefits of Meditation

Community is important for mental health.
While a lot of people are practicing social distancing, keeping in contact with friends, family and loved ones via phone calls and Skype, or small home gatherings is vital.
I’m not suggesting throw a big party with over a dozen people there, but talking with whoever is in your house hold is very important.
People are scared, anxious, and isolating ourselves from contact with others is not the answer.
Reach out to those you love, even just to check up on them and tell them you love them.
Related Content: 9 ways to ease stress and anxiety.
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I don’t think that stock piling TP is absolutely necessary, but having a decent amount of supplies, both cleaning and food, is a good idea.
For me, it just gives me peace of mind knowing that we have essentials if the store shelves are empty for a little while.
I Instacart ordered some things this weekend, and Target was sold out of Kleenex tissues and had a limit of 1 per customer on Toilet Paper.
I will admit, that worried me quite a bit.
But honestly,
There is still enough to go around for everyone, but keeping some extra (NOT a years worth of TP) for you and your family is a good idea, and good for your peace of mind.
That being said, taking more than you need is not okay. Make sure you leave enough for others, because there are families that need supplies too.
Related Content: How to Defend against Sickness Naturally

While everyone is bundling up indoors, it’s not a bad idea to keep distracted.
Cling to this time with those you love, and take your mind off of everything going on outside.
Play games with your family and friends, have meals together, read, write, and exercise.
Instead of worrying about the reason everyone is isolating themselves, think of this as a gift of time with your family.
Board games and card games are a great way to keep you and your family together, and focused on the good things!
Self Care

Don’t forget to keep using self care!
Eventually, this will all pass. But in the mean time, keep taking care of your body and mind.
Doing things like taking a bath, using incense, reading, meditating and just taking care of yourself can help ease your mind and keep you from being stressed.
Related Content: How to create a personalized self care routine

Working out is not only a form of self care, but can actually also help you maintain a healthy immune system.
Exercise can also lower stress and help calm any anxiety and panic you are feeling.
When you are focusing on working out, it’s hard to keep your mind on the things that are bothering you. The natural endorphins your body makes while exercising will also help to keep your mind clear, happy and focused on the good.
My favorite exercise for stress, hypertension or just feeling better and more like myself, is yoga.
I wrote a short guide to Yoga poses, that also contains a short yoga flow that you can do at home! It is full of basic poses that almost anyone can do fairly easily.
Related Content: Beginners guide to Yoga Poses

No matter what you believe, prayer works.
Prayer is just like talking, but to your creator.
I am a Christian, so I know where my hope lies, and when I have anxieties and fears… I pray.
If your’e not a Christian, or religious in any way, prayer can still help with anxiety. Even just asking someone to pray for you can help ease your mind.
One last thing…
If you need someone to pray for you, but don’t know where to turn, you can always turn to my inbox.
I am a busy mama with a family, but I am also always thinking about my readers, and how I can help you guys in any way.
Feel free to leave a comment or send us an email, I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.
Stay well!