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Self Date ideas for Valentines Day
Valentines day can be a hard topic, especially if you’ve been single for a while or just got out of a relationship. Today, I am gonna show you some fun self date ideas for valentines day that will make you feel loved while being single.
You can also use these self date ideas for a self care night, regardless of whether or not you are in a relationship.
Remember that taking care of yourself doesn’t stop once you are married, or become a parent!

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Why you should Date Yourself
A “Self Date” is simply taking yourself out on a date, to enjoy yourself and learn more about yourself.
This can be to a coffee shop, out to a movie, or a simple self care night at home.
Anything that makes you feel joyful and taken care of!
Dating yourself while you are single is important, because it helps you get to know yourself without someone else.
Who am I? What do I like? Where do I like to go? What things make me happy?
It’s great to know these things, and be happy with yourself regardless of your relationship status.
Below I am going to go over 14 fun Self Date ideas for Valentines Day, or whenever you need some “you time”.
1. Take some time to Enjoy Nature

Being alone in nature is one of the best way’s to get to know yourself, and how you think.
It’s always been one of my favorite ways to have alone time.
2. Join a Valentines Day class for Singles
This could be a yoga or fitness class, a baking class, a pottery class…
Any type of fun group learning activity where you can lose yourself and have fun!
3. Wine and Dine Yourself

Break out the fancy wine glasses and make/order your favorite meal!
Treat yourself to some nice food and good wine, and take part in the finer things in life for Valentines day.
This is so much fun, and can be enjoyed at the table, or with your favorite movie.
4. Explore your own town
Go sight seeing in the town you live in!
What places do you take for granted? What small business’s have you never shopped at?
You may even find a new favorite hang out spot!
5. Express yourself with Creativity
Paint, draw, mold, play…
Whatever your favorite mode of creativity is, spend some quality time in it.
6. Yoga and Meditation

This is my favorite way to be more in tune with my mind and body, and feel that mind-body connection.
YouTube has some really great Yoga Videos to choose from. And if you are a seasoned yogi, silent practice with some incense is really nice as well!
7. Take yourself to the Movies
One of my favorite Self Date ideas for Valentines Day!
Go see a movie, by yourself or take a friend or sibling with you. The movies are always a fun time, and a great distraction if you need one.
8. At Home Spa Day

Treat yourself to a facial, painted nails, a hot bath with salts or a bath bomb, and relax.
This is something you can easily add into your weekly self care routine as well, and will make you feel pampered and polished.
Also a great confidence booster!
9. Cross something off your Bucket List
What is something you’ve always wanted to do?
Maybe you’ve always wanted to go ice skating, or sky diving, or see a mountain up close and personal.
Cross one thing off your bucket list this valentines day!
10. Take a trip to the Museum
The museum can be a fun opportunity to get dressed up, and spend some quite time with art and history.
There are also a lot of options to choose from!
College campus’s sometimes have small art museums. You can also find modern art museums, and natural history museums as well.
They also typically have a nice restaurant inside!
11. Get lost in a Book

Get lost in a good book.
If you are looking for something to read and need ideas, my personal favorites are I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak, Spring Came on Forever by Bess Streeter Aldrich, or Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson.
12. Get dressed up
Getting dressed up can change your whole perspective.
Even just throwing on mascara and red lipstick can make your day 10x better!
Treat yourself to some self care in the form of cleaning up, and go get a good cup of coffee.
13. Coffee for One

A classic self date idea, Coffee for One.
I did this a lot in my first few years of college. I would go to my local book store, grab a cup of coffee, and read or write, or reflect for about an hour.
It was something I definitely needed, and it helped me get to know myself on a deeper level.
This is my favorite self date by far, and I highly recommend it.
14. Treat yourself to Self Care
Self Care package for one!
Buy yourself something nice this valentines day, and indulge in all the self care fun!
Give yourself a gift this valentines day.
I’ve made up a pre-picked out basket’s worth of fun self care gifts for a perfect night in.
Click the links below to see the products on Amazon!
Chocolove Red Raspberry Dark Chocolate
Pacifica Energized Glow Face Mask
Karma Organic Gold Nail Polish
MoValues Rose Facial Roller set
Divine Botanicals Bath Bombs
Happy Valentines Day!
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